Monday, January 12, 2015

(ONE) All About

Here's a little background, so we can get on the same page...(Pun intended). I LOVE saving money, getting a good deal, and enjoy couponing, but leave the extreme for others. I like DIY projects, but always seem to procrastinate and complete... hmm 1 out of 6?! I'm a new Stay at Home Mom to an energetic and loving son, Anderson; My hunky and hilarious husband, OP and I have been married for 5 years; I have a background in retail and finance; And I am honest, sometimes painfully so.

Sam and Op
Here's some info about my family's relationship with food. My son has had mostly organic food since he was born because I believe preservatives and chemicals in conventional food can lead to illness. I will never look down on anyone doing differently for their children and am open to exchanging ideas on the subject. My husband and I are on a seesaw. Money is always an excuse I use as to why we're not ingesting an organic diet, but the truth is we don't try enough. I'm going to be honest here, I LOVE preservative laden snacks and sweets. Don't get me wrong there are many options for organic treats, but they are pricey and it's difficult to get a great deal on them with coupons! If you're skipping the chips, cookies, and candy bars it isn't out of the realm of possibility to eat mostly organic. At the moment we are eating healthy meals, but mostly using non-organic ingredients.

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